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Post Info TOPIC: how far you want to go


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how far you want to go

Dear friends,

I am wondering how far you want to go as a wannabe, imagine that you have a leg amputation and that your dream was as example one sak amputation. Do you think it can happen that after a time you want more? Such as being dak, or even an arm extra? Then I ask myself the question where it 'stops', when you feel yourself finally complete, or does those feelings never stops with some people.



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I just want a right bka.  That's as far as I want to go.  How can I accomplish this?  What about a tourniquet left in place long enough for the tissue to die?



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Hi Kkmeltonrn,

A tourniquet isn't a bad idee, I tried this in the past... The medical world sayd that a limb can die when there isn't more then one hour no more bleed in it, that the limb without oxygene/air dies,... but even after 4 hours tourniquet everything worked again and it was a incredible pain.
The first hour it was O.K.... just a nice feeling of a sleeping leg, but after that hour, wow! incredible nerve pains. I think there is a possibility to reach the amputation on this way, but only with very hard painkillers...morfine... and a lot of more hours with a tourniquet.



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So you tried a tourniquet and it didn't work?  How is it possible to achieve an amputation? 



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Well, ... there are many possibilities, but none of them are100 % risque free
the methods 'without' pain.... xylocaine/lydocaine injectable, then faking accidents, real horror, but also real amputation afterwards.... dry ice for hours... the limb goes asleep, and never wakes up again... this are a few of those 'hard' methods.
When people do this self injuries it is also easy to tell in a hospital things like 'i worked with an electronic saw'.

A few years ago i helped a young female wannabe from England. She buyd xylocaine/lydocaine, she wanted to be a toe amputee, she told the hospital that a big knife was falled on her feet. They believed her story.
Without telling names; A good friend rented a motorcycle, went out during the night, told the hospital that he made a bad fall and also they believed him. In reality he injected xylocaine/lydocaine in his leg and damaged that leg so hard (with a hammer) that surgeons needed to do his wanted below the knee amputation.

What I know for sure is that it is easy to become a higher level amputation once you are an amputee... when i was abelow knee amputee and i wanted to be above the knee i just went to a surgeon, told him that i had incredible pain, that my whole live was based on painkillers and that i couldn't walk.... honnestly i had nothing on my knee, but a time later i was an above knee amputee. He just believed me.




A person needs to use both dry ice AND a tourniquet. When the leg is numb tighten the tourniquet.  Bind the leg with bandage to stop the dry ice pellets touching the skin.



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Have you done this?



Yes I did it in 2004.  But you have to be totally ready and determined and sure it's what you want. For a youngish person it might be something for later in life.

I have had no regrets whatsoever.  I LOVE it.  Fulfilment is the word I use to describe it.  Of course it's a long haul during which you have to take each day at a time in hospital, rehab, whatever.

There is a story that some guy had both legs removed and now says, "What was I thinking? now I can't feel the sand beneath my toes at the beach."  That last bit of verisimilitude convinces me the story is a fake.  If you somehow get to the stage of achieving two legs off, you don't give a damn about your toes in the sand!

By the way, I don't want to lose another limb; I'm very happy as I am now.

Good luck all!



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Please tell me how you accomplished this.  I want to do this



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To use dry ice, you could use an co2- fire-extinquister. The co2 has a temp of minus 85 deg. centigrade.  Very cold.......



The limb for AK would need freezing with dry ice pellets for at least three hours (with tourniquet applied when the limb was numb) if the person was thin, probably four or more if otherwise.  That's why fire extinguisher is not the answer; cold but too short a duration. 

A person doing this would be aiming to make that part of the leg non-viable RIGHT THROUGH, not just the surface.  The person could end up with weeks of skin grafting if the damage is only on the surface.

Covering with bandage would prevent pain on the skin, though there would be some slight aching of muscles.  The tourniquet would impede heat and cold exchange and stop damaged blood etc getting through.

BK, would need two hours or more.  A person would need to make a clamping metal touniquet and research where to position it above the level of the ice, remembering that quite a bit of flesh would be needed to fold under the bone. It is possible an extra tourniquet for compressing in behind the knee might be a good standby for BK.  It could be periodically loosened.  Behind the knee would be the position for AK tourniquet (tightened when leg is numb and left tightened). 



Dry ice->

I tried that hout, one hour long for my hand, but they could save the hand that time and only the skin was 'dead'. I think you need more then 3 hours for an above knee ... OK, i didn't used a tourniquet.




Well, I didn't need more than three hours.  As I said the tourniquet increases the effect of the dry ice.  The cold blood is trapped and gets colder.  The warm blood can't get down.  I also said three hours was for a thin person... if you have more beef, you probably need more exposure.  Not that I am encouraging anyone to do anything!

I can't speak from experience with regard to a "hand or arm job", but I am sure the torniquet would make it more effective and prevent the toxins circulating. Just where to situate it is open to discussion.

Thanks for your comment.   [Contradict me just once more and I will slap you a glancing blow with my stump... then you'll be sorry. (That or you'll love it!)]




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Actually I don´t know how far I´ll go, where all will end but I know where all will start.

My greatest wish is to become a Double AK with  very short stumps....just long enough to sit comfortable.

I know I will fullfill this dream one day. It is difficult cause I don´t wanna die through some maybe helpful but too dangerous tries. I love to live and I will love imy life much more as an amputee.

But like you all know it is so difficult to find  a surgeon who really wants to help.

I´ve searched  for one since some years. ...since the time I am sure I can manage my life by being an amputee. I always hated my legs but I knew I had to change my complete life after an amputation. Now I am ready for it and I work for the day this legs will be removed.





I have the same feelings since many years i want my right leg amputated high above the knee to walk on crutches. Today it is not enough. The next step would be amputating my left leg too to have two stumps and sit in the wheelchair. The last step would be the left arm high above the elbow to be a triple amputee with three stumps.But today I can not say if this would be the end amputate my right arm too I can not say that it will never happen. I know that as beeing a DAK amputee or triple amputee I would need many help from others but the wish of becoming an amputee is very big and becomes always bigger. 



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Right, being a tripple amputee is something tempting.

I actually like the thougtht of being it. I wouldn´t mind that I needed some help from others. The feeling of the missing limbs was something I need to have.

But first of all I wanna become a DAK and that can be the start but must not be the end.



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LAK but very high then eventually DAK 



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for a very long time i have wanted to be at least a double amputee than after a serious arm injury I have also wanted left arm amputated and I was disappointed when it wasn't 

the amputations I fantasize about are both legs at but and left arm flush with pit

this will most likely never happen but a fella can wish



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Well, as for me i want to be a Dak for sure bu,t I am not sure that's where I would want it to end sometimes. I think of being a triple even a quad amputee. I dont know why that is.  I fight the feeling I think because I feel Dak is where I should end but being that I think of more not sure I would be satisfied totally after the DAk. 

-- Edited by talzy on Sunday 22nd of March 2015 06:42:49 AM

Talnequo Centore


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I can relate. I have stayed at DAk but i would like to have more but I am afraid to thinking of even wanting more because it seems so outrageous.

Talnequo Centore


LAK very high just below the hip leaving a tiny stump then RAK just above mid thigh



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I would like to start as a DAK (stumps about 3.5" - 4"). I've been a serious wannabe since I was about 7 years old.



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DAK was my original desire. Somewhere along the lines that changed to LBE not sure when or why.

I hope you get your dream.



Australian wannabe here. My wish is for a high RAK amputation or hip disarticulation. I'd be fine with a small stump, but I'd prefer to live on crutches, so prosthetic viability isn't important at all.

Like most of you I'm sure, it's something I've wrestled with. I've tried to tell myself that I'm just a devotee, but I'm in my mid-30s now and realise and accept that I'd be happier with one leg. If there was a way to do it that gave me a medically credible cover story for family, friends and anyone else I encountered after, I'd go for it in a heartbeat. 

I'm completely aware that it would make life a lot harder in many respects, but it would be a decision I'd be content with.




DHD just below the hip leaving no stump is my deeply desire, and mybee have a hand ampution late.





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I have a desire for a dak one leg amputated just above the knee and the other leg amputated almost at the hip




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i also have been a wannabe since i was 7. At first and for a long time i only wanted to be an SAK, but lately i have had severe pains in both legs that doctors aren't able to treat, so i need LBK and RAK. Over the years i have admired arm amputees and pretended as an arm amp, and now i know i also want my left arm off AE at least, but SD also would be good. I guess BIID is a progressive condition - you start out wanting one thing, but later need more limbs off.


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I want to have four fingers amputated at my left hand. I have this desire since cildhood, it start at age 3,5.....4.



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Has anyone recently tried or know someone that has tried to cause an AK amputation using Dry Ice and a Tourniquet. Am trying to find out the best place to put the Tourniquet to give the best length of stump?



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hi if anybody here wants to get an amputation i have some contact of surgeon, but is a bit costly, High cost = Big Dream!!! email me


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disbelief The price is not the issue... you better tell it....



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As a sub, My goal would be to be owned by a/some Masters, and become a DAK first, then later a DAE. But must be a process, one finger, another one, one toe, another one, then all fingers, all toes, then a foot, a hand, etc...


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Bilateral above the knee about 2-3 inches above the joint. I dont want full prosthetics, just stubbies and wheelchair.



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Hi! My dream, since childhood is to have four fingers amputee to my left hand.



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Below the elbow and below the knee on the left side. Wearing a prosthetic arm and leg afterwards.



Hello everybody,


my name is Tommi and I am 32 years old. In my post I would like to introduce you to my wish for the perfect body and I look forward to your opinions and comments.

Perhaps there are some among you who feel a similar desire.


Since I was a little boy I have always been fascinated by people with amputations, especially when I reached the age to look at pictures and videos of amputated people on the Internet for myself.

Since then, I've wished to be like that myself. I want to be amputated.


I have already read through several posts in the forum and I noticed that many of you are fixated on a special body part or your "desired body" in an operation

want to reach. It's a little different for me. My vision includes 3 steps, each of which extends over 5-10 years per "step".

For me the idea is simply wonderful to thoroughly enjoy every new situation that arises after an amputation and to find my way into my new life (may not sound like everyone



I'll try to explain it a bit more precisely and would like to explain my three steps to my perfect, final body:


Step 1:


In the first step I would like to have my right leg amputated above the knee (RAK). Here my remaining stump should go about halfway to the knee. The idea of looking down at me

and to see only my new, beautiful leg stump on the right is simply unimaginably beautiful. I would only use crutches during my time as a one-legged man (I have already done this a number of times

already pretending, even in public). It is simply an indescribable feeling to swing your remaining leg through the two crutches.

I would spend the next few years settling in as a one-legged friend and enjoying this wonderful time with my new stump.


Step 2:


However, after a few years this would not be enough. In the second step I would like to have my left leg amputated in the thigh as well and now wake up from the operating room as a DAK.

In my opinion, I have 2 stumps of the same length. Of course, it is now much more difficult to get by in life. After all, I would now have to rely on the wheelchair (prostheses

would be out of the question for me now). But even with that I would find my way around, learn a lot of new things and take good care of my two stumps. I think I would meet so many times a day

just deal with my stumps, just wonderful.


Step 3:


As expected, my dream of my perfect body is not yet complete. Of course, just like as a one-legged man, I would like to thoroughly enjoy my time as a DAK before

the last OP completes me. In this step I would like to complete my left arm about 5 cm below the elbow. I want to wake up and be a triple amputee.

This is my final idea of myself - DAK / LBE.


So for me every new amputation is an event in life that I would like to enjoy. The moment to wake up in the hospital and be one step closer to your ideal. So I would find it

also absolutely not great if all three amputations were performed in the same operating room (if only there was this possibility, I wouldn't know whether I would do it, because even if I had this final state

my body would like, I also yearn for the other two "intermediate states" and would like to experience and enjoy them).


I am aware that this will of course bring further difficulties in life, but I would like to face these new tasks. I definitely want to keep my right hand, otherwise it is

(almost) impossible to live independently, and I would like to continue to be independent.


I know that this notion will probably never come up like this or anything like that, as I don't see any way to achieve it legally. But maybe I'll make it anyway

somehow implementing a step or two of the steps to get some relief from the pressure. I deal with my wish for so many hours every day that every step would be there

in the right direction, the way I would like to live, just wonderful.


Maybe someone of you feels the same way or has partly the same thoughts, then of course I am looking forward to an exchange!


In this sense have a nice day,





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How do people know exactly how they should be ? I want to be a triple amputee left leg at the hip right below knee and left arm at the shoulder I dont know why it is so specific but it would be perfect


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strange think..most of us who want to become unegal amputee want to be more amputee at the left side than right side..maybe it comes from our disorder come from right side of brain...


''maybe our incompleteness will make us complete'' 


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I would like to be a bilateral DAK.....but want just enough leg on both legs, so I can 'sit' up, or technically 'standing' on my stumps but not enough to move my legs or be able to move on my stumps....


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so u want to have very short stumpies.

do u want to wear prosthesis or use chair?





''maybe our incompleteness will make us complete'' 


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point were my 'stumpies' are too short to have protestics....only a wheelchair


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so, point out that you must have a belt to keep you on a chair


''maybe our incompleteness will make us complete'' 


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why is that in all caps?


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copied from Gtranslator ( im not so proud, oups)


''maybe our incompleteness will make us complete'' 


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I want to be a triple amp - assymetrical DAK and RBE with penectomy.

I want to hand-walking with my arms, walking on the ends of my bare stumps, wearing leather stump boots with flat rubber soles or wheelchair.
For arm- hook prosthetic, bare stump or with white stump sock on.

Later maybe few fingers from left hand or whole hand/arm to be officially QUAD(depends on whether I was single(triple) or in a relationship(quad))


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this goal will be hard to be achieved . at least if not doing because of medical reason ( of course i dont mean that biid cant be a medical reason)


''maybe our incompleteness will make us complete'' 


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Tommi wrote:

Hello everybody,


my name is Tommi and I am 32 years old. In my post I would like to introduce you to my wish for the perfect body and I look forward to your opinions and comments.

Perhaps there are some among you who feel a similar desire.


Since I was a little boy I have always been fascinated by people with amputations, especially when I reached the age to look at pictures and videos of amputated people on the Internet for myself.

Since then, I've wished to be like that myself. I want to be amputated.


I have already read through several posts in the forum and I noticed that many of you are fixated on a special body part or your "desired body" in an operation

want to reach. It's a little different for me. My vision includes 3 steps, each of which extends over 5-10 years per "step".

For me the idea is simply wonderful to thoroughly enjoy every new situation that arises after an amputation and to find my way into my new life (may not sound like everyone



I'll try to explain it a bit more precisely and would like to explain my three steps to my perfect, final body:


Step 1:


In the first step I would like to have my right leg amputated above the knee (RAK). Here my remaining stump should go about halfway to the knee. The idea of looking down at me

and to see only my new, beautiful leg stump on the right is simply unimaginably beautiful. I would only use crutches during my time as a one-legged man (I have already done this a number of times

already pretending, even in public). It is simply an indescribable feeling to swing your remaining leg through the two crutches.

I would spend the next few years settling in as a one-legged friend and enjoying this wonderful time with my new stump.


Step 2:


However, after a few years this would not be enough. In the second step I would like to have my left leg amputated in the thigh as well and now wake up from the operating room as a DAK.

In my opinion, I have 2 stumps of the same length. Of course, it is now much more difficult to get by in life. After all, I would now have to rely on the wheelchair (prostheses

would be out of the question for me now). But even with that I would find my way around, learn a lot of new things and take good care of my two stumps. I think I would meet so many times a day

just deal with my stumps, just wonderful.


Step 3:


As expected, my dream of my perfect body is not yet complete. Of course, just like as a one-legged man, I would like to thoroughly enjoy my time as a DAK before

the last OP completes me. In this step I would like to complete my left arm about 5 cm below the elbow. I want to wake up and be a triple amputee.

This is my final idea of myself - DAK / LBE.


So for me every new amputation is an event in life that I would like to enjoy. The moment to wake up in the hospital and be one step closer to your ideal. So I would find it

also absolutely not great if all three amputations were performed in the same operating room (if only there was this possibility, I wouldn't know whether I would do it, because even if I had this final state

my body would like, I also yearn for the other two "intermediate states" and would like to experience and enjoy them).


I am aware that this will of course bring further difficulties in life, but I would like to face these new tasks. I definitely want to keep my right hand, otherwise it is

(almost) impossible to live independently, and I would like to continue to be independent.


I know that this notion will probably never come up like this or anything like that, as I don't see any way to achieve it legally. But maybe I'll make it anyway

somehow implementing a step or two of the steps to get some relief from the pressure. I deal with my wish for so many hours every day that every step would be there

in the right direction, the way I would like to live, just wonderful.


Maybe someone of you feels the same way or has partly the same thoughts, then of course I am looking forward to an exchange!


In this sense have a nice day,



I also want to be a triple amputee, I wanted this ever simce I was a little girl too...
I want to be a DAK and RAE or Right Shoulder Disarticulation..Then the only limb I will have is my left arm...that would be my perfect body.




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Hi Tommi,

I want to be a DAK, and LAE but have had no success. Any exchange of information is great idea. I am in USA so any other USA residents in same situation, please respond. BEst



Hi ampwannabe123,

I too am from the US, and want to be a triple amputee. I want to be BBK and LBE, but am struggling to figure out how to get there... maybe one day. 


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I need to lose my left hand (in an accident) but I would lose the legs or maybe both hands just to be LBE. but just LBE is fine with me

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