This gear setup's been with me since about 2006, of about 16 years.
Underneath, the socket is a really neat flame design on a red background. You can see in the one picture.
Lived out in a rural area for about a year, with it a daily part of my life. Shopped in it, went to the post office, and gassed up the truck with it on.
Retirement is getting closer, and a possible move out of state when that happens. Strongly considering going through with the amputation at that time too.
Sweating - I know this very well and also suffer from this!
My hands are normally quite moisty to begin with and so I cannot wear my pretender arm for more than an hour or so.
Seeing a hook instead of a hand in public always brings interesting reactions to both the wearer and the viewer.
I wonder how one guy must felt when I spotted that he has an electric greifer where his right hand should be...
I usually use a white sock over my hand and don't have serious issues with sweat. Can usually do at least eight hours if time cooperates, and give my hand a break so I can stretch the muscles.
Reactions are mixed sometimes. Worst was a gas station attendant that freaked out when he saw me using my hook. Was embarrassing at the start. Had a breakdown from the sounds of it.
Was out in it yesterday and was a rather uneventful outing, except for a teenager that followed me for a while, and a coffee shop worker that apparently never saw a hook before. Co-worker tried to explain it quietly without trying to bother me.