Amputee By Choice -> Amputee-By-Choise -> Looking for participants for research study in BIID, acrotomophilia (devotees) and apothemnophilia (wannabees)
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TOPIC: Looking for participants for research study in BIID, acrotomophilia (devotees) and apothemnophilia (wannabees)
The AMC-Amsterdam Department of Psychiatry has initiated a research study in Body Identity Integrity Disorder (BIID) and people who are sexually attracted to other amputees (devotees, or officially acrotomophilia) or prefer to be amputated in order to be sexually aroused themselves (wannabees, or officially apothemnophilia). They would like to inform everyone with this entity about the study and invite them to participate.
The study will be to obtain as much general and sexual information as possible about a large number of individuals with BIID, acrotomophilia and apothemnophilia, and is a continuation of a previous study we have done ( The research consists of an online questionnaire. Of course, the filling in of this questionnaire will be fully anonymous. The information obtained from this questionnaire will be used for further scientific understanding of BIID, acrotomophilia and apothemnophilia and therefore for the acknowledgement of these conditions.
Please let us know if you are interested in participating in this study. You can contact us both in cases if you have further questions or to indicate you would like to participate in the study. We are happy to answer your questions and to give you more information about our research. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We highly appreciate your interest.
Amputee By Choice -> Amputee-By-Choise -> Looking for participants for research study in BIID, acrotomophilia (devotees) and apothemnophilia (wannabees)